Bonds of the Mazza Read online

Page 15

  My eyes narrowed into slits and my body was so hot, my cloak could burn to ash and float away at any minute. The flame inside kept building and soon it was a raging inferno, threatening to spill out into the street.

  “Don’t…” I rasped. Tunnel vision cloaked everything but Travon, and I saw him for who he really was.

  Guard. Thief. Murderer. There was no deed he wouldn’t commit in order to get ahead at court. No person worthy of his protection but himself.

  Snippets of his life flew past me in picture form, and when I caught one, it stopped and played as if it was on a movie reel.

  The scene widened until I was fully immersed in his memory. Residual violet smoke lingered on the outskirt of town and there was a woman barring the door to a small house. The house was totally wrecked, with gaping holes in the walls, and the roof tilting sideways like someone had slid off the top of a toy house.

  People gathered around the yard as three men approached the front. This was the Iron Guard with their identical gray uniforms. Travon was there, front and center. It could have been yesterday for all I knew. He looked the exact same as he did now.

  The woman had tears streaking down her face, leaving white tracks on her dirt covered cheeks. She locked her hands on the doorframe so no one could get past her. Travon stopped in front of her, the sheen of his blue military uniform so at odds with the filthy aftermath of the attack.

  “Move. I need to take him in.” Travon reached a hand out to remove her from the door, but the woman screamed and gripped the door so tight, I swore there would be dents in the wood when she removed her fingers.

  “Travon, he’s a child. He didn’t have anything to do with the attacks. You know he didn’t. Everyone knows he couldn’t have set it off.” Snot ran down to her lips but she didn’t change her stance.

  I took a few steps closer so I could hear what Travon whispered to her. He bent his head in, like a lover would, and gazed past her into the house as he said, “I know he’s innocent. But the people need someone to hold accountable, so they can keep moving on with their lives as if these attacks aren’t happening. Your boy was the last one standing after the latest explosions. It stands to reason that he could be the culprit.” His high-pitched voice remained distinct even in his whisper. “And your lover was quite generous in his payment. I wonder what you could have done to turn him against you?” He mused.

  Shock glazed the woman’s eyes before defeat wiped out the lingering light. “No, please, don’t do this. I’ll go with you. You can tell him I volunteered if that’s what you need.” The woman sprang forward, burying her hands in Travon’s uniform. Sobs broke out of her but she kept her eyes on his.

  “If that’s your wish.” Travon raised his sword and slammed the butt down on the back of her head.

  The woman’s eyes rolled back as she twitched, slumping against Travon.

  “The woman confesses she knows something.” Travon’s voice rang out to the crowd. “Take her to Court and grab the boy.”

  Traven shoved her unconscious form into the hands of a waiting guard and walked away, brushing the dust off of his coat.

  A blink and the memory faded, the real world rushing back with a killer pain between my eyes. I pushed through the desire to rub the bridge of my nose as I focused on Travon. Gravity pulled at me, working against my need to put Travon in his place. Damn it, I was going to pass out; I could feel the oblivion coming for me. I fought to stay conscious.

  “I see you, Travon. I see all your secrets. And if you don’t tread nicely, I might just… share them.” I tipped my head up to the sky, allowing my hood to fall back on my shoulders. No stars lit the sky and it made me wonder if it were clouds covering the cosmos, I knew there were stars in this realm. The stars were too beautiful to hide, so I hoped they’d be out soon.

  Nato’s face filled my vision and he caught me by the arms right before I fell. I thought I was going to fall, I wasn’t sure.

  “Iss, are you okay? That was creepy as fuck,” he spoke softly so only I could hear.

  “I’m fine.” My words slurred and I didn’t know if he even understood what I said. His brow furrowed and he got so close, his nose grazed mine.

  “Iss, I don’t think you are.” His features started swimming and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. My body slackened and I lost all my energy. What the hell is going on now…

  “What happened back there Nato? Now look at the predicament we’re in.” Sage sounded angry. Like, really, really angry.

  “Sage, this is in no way Nato’s fault.” Egan was right by my head. Actually, that must be him stroking my hair back from my forehead. He was always the voice of reason. So calm and collected.

  “It sure as fuck wasn’t her metal bending power that landed us in this cell.” Man, someone pierced his ballsack or some shit. I bet he had spit flying with that statement.

  “Give it a rest, Sage. You’ve been locked on that same tired argument for hours. It’s not doing a damn thing for us right now. You know she was bound to exhibit powers sooner or later. None of us know what to expect with the Mazza.” Rand sighed and something creaked beside me.

  “Why are you included in ‘us?’ There’s no reason for you to be here now that she has her bonds. No reason for you to be clinging around her ass now that I’m her Janer mate.”

  “We’ve gone over this a few times too, and it’s pointless.” Rand, I thought, slid his hand over mine, giving a light squeeze. “And it’s not like I still don’t want her. She’s special. I know it, and you all know it.”

  “But she didn’t choose you. So you shouldn’t be here. As far as I’m concerned you can run back to Rainer and be the good little pet you always were.” The bed depressed by my hip.

  Rand squeezed my hand so hard, the bones rubbed together. “You know why she didn’t choose me? Because I told her not to. She didn’t choose you. You were her only choice in a bad situation.”

  Air whizzed over my face and a crack sounded right before Rand’s hand was no longer in mine.

  “Enough!” Nato’s bellow echoed through the room.

  The cold, damp room, now that I was gaining awareness. I tried to close my hand into a fist, but nothing happened.

  Well, fuck. I couldn’t move.

  Grunts and rustling moved around the room.

  “I said that’s enough!” Footsteps pounded to the corner of the room and Rand and Sage both groaned when it sounded like they were thrown into the walls.

  “Come on, man,” Egan’s low baritone rolled over me.

  “Did you hear what he said, Egan? He flat out said Iss would have chosen him if she could have.”

  “He did allude to that. But you did bait him into it.”

  Warm fingers swept hair away from my forehead again and I cracked one eye. It was blurry and the light was dim. A silhouette hovered over me, but I couldn’t make out who it was.

  “Iss.” Nato swiped the back of his hand over my cheek and hovered above my face.

  I managed to open both eyes and even licked my lips. Nato stared at me as if he was afraid to touch me. His hair was disheveled and tired circles line his eyes.

  “What…” I cleared my throat. “Happened?”

  My fingers twitched and cool relief swept over me. I was starting to worry.

  “It looks like you came into your powers. At least, it looks like you came into your Zien powers. I think they might even be more powerful than my own.” Reverence wove through Nato’s voice.

  Egan popped up behind Nato, clasping his shoulders. “Let’s let Issy girl get her wits about her. She’s probably thirsty.”

  Nato stared into my eyes for a beat longer and then stood up. Egan and Nato took up either side of what I now saw was a cot, and helped me to a sitting position. The room we were in wasn’t really a room at all. It was more like a cellar with a dim lantern swinging softly in the corner, causing shadows to dance across the stone walls.

  Rand leaned against the wall by the arched wooden door, holding his fist
s to his eyes. I almost felt sorry for him, always getting the beat down from Sage. But then I remembered what he said and any sympathy evaporated.

  On the opposite wall, Sage balled his hands at his sides, alternating between glowering at Rand and shooting worried looks my way.

  Yes, he baited Rand, then again what Rand said seemed to bother him. It would have bothered me too, thinking I was only a last resort for someone. That would have torn a hole in my heart and I couldn’t let Sage think that he was only a tool for me. Because he wasn’t.

  Damn, sometimes it felt like we were all pawns to be used. I refused to have that mentality between me and my Lusty Legion, and I’d do everything in my power let my guys know they were important to me.

  My bonds were set now. Sage and I would get there. We just needed time and freedom from running from one crisis to another. I still wanted to see he cared for me as a person and not just a way to stay with his brothers, but I could offer him some comfort.

  Sage startled when he caught me watching him and he straightened from the wall. I held my hand out and he immediately came to me. When our hands touched, I pulled him closer, wanting to have him next to me for this. He jostled Egan out of the way and sat on the side of the bed.

  His eyes were wounded and guarded all at the same time. The way he looked at me, with hurt feelings that he didn’t want to feel, I imagined this was what he looked like as a boy.

  Nato and Egan shuffled to the door and they started talking with Rand in hushed voices. It was the best they could offer for privacy and I appreciated it.

  “Sage. I heard what Rand said to you. You weren’t a last choice for me, I want you to know that. The only hesitation was because I’m scared you won’t grow to care for me the way the others already do. I’ve been alone so long, I… I want more for myself than I had.”

  He looked to the bed, at the threadbare blanket that was barely big enough to cover my lap. When he finally lifted his gaze, a small spark lit the depths of his eyes. I didn’t know what it meant or what he was thinking, but I hoped I had assuaged some of his hurt. His face was a calm, blank mask.

  Sage surprised me by tucking a bit of hair behind my ear and leaning in for a soft kiss. It was barely a whisper on my lips before he retreated. The shadows hid the light green of his eyes making them appear coal gray. I wished there was a window with extra light so I could see more of his expression.

  “I understand that fear, Iss. I know what it’s like to be alone. Do you remember the porch that one morning?” he stayed close so the others couldn’t hear what he was saying.

  “Yes...” I rolled my eyes. He acted like it was years ago instead of just last week.

  “We made a promise that we would see where this goes. I think we can be really good friends. I think we can be even better lovers.” His gaze drilled into me, and heat pooled in my stomach as I remembered our bonding.

  “But, Iss. The thing is, I would want you without all that. I was just stuck when we met and I couldn’t see past my own issues and misguided morals.”

  Did he just say that? If there was one thing that defined Sage, it was his duty and his beliefs. For him to acknowledge his own issues was a huge step in the right direction.

  “I have feelings for you, Iss. I say stupid things sometimes out of habit. I didn’t mean you weren’t important to me.”

  I nodded. What was supposed to be me offering comfort to him, turned into him trying to do the same for me.

  His eyes searched my face but I couldn’t give him what I thought he was looking for. I need more than the words. I needed the actions.

  A key jangled in the door and in seconds it swung inward.

  Measured footsteps came through the door and the male version of Aamori walked in. This must be Theon.

  I wasn’t hit with the same overwhelming memories from Theon I received from Travon. But my instincts flared to life saying he was someone I couldn’t trust.

  He had smooth, dark skin and dark chocolate eyes that seemed to glow from within. He cocked his head as he walked right to me, the severity of his high cheekbones pronounced in the lantern’s light. He was as tall as Sage and I tipped my head back, instead of backing away to see him. Not that there was a lot of room in here anyway.

  Two guards remained in the hallway before the door shut, leaving Theon locked in with us.

  “You aren’t quite what I imagined. The men that ran to court called you mesmerizing, captivating. A beauty unlike anything this world has ever known.”

  I couldn’t stop the snort, but I clamped my hand over my face to prevent any more from making an unwelcome appearance.

  Theon arched a brow and stared at me disapprovingly. “Something funny?”

  “Uh, I have never been described that way in my life. As you can see, I’m a plain Jane.” I held my arms out in invitation for him to inspect my appearance.

  Egan slowly approached my side, sneering at Theon. Apparently he was not impressed with Theon’s greeting.

  “Issy girl, you’re all that and more.” He positioned himself as my protector against nasty Theon.

  “Thanks, Egan.” I grinned at him and Theon momentarily disappeared.

  “That wasn’t an insult. I was only relaying that they built up an unimaginable beauty.”

  Where my LL was low key and casual, Theon was cultured and snooty.

  “Theon, I think you’d better quit while you’re ahead.” Rand came to stand on Theon’s left.

  “I suppose many of you are her bonded? There’s no other reason for the territorial display.” Theon sniffed.

  “Just tell us why you had us brought here in a passive-aggressive show of power.” Nato filled the space to Theon’s right.

  Sage wandered over between Nato and Egan, creating this nice little circle. I almost felt like I was in high school again.

  “I got word there was a Mazza in our territory and it’s such a rare honor, I sent for her immediately. I also wish to keep her safe.” Theon put his fists on his hips as if he’d done some heroic deed.

  “Right,” Sage drawled. “I’ve known you many years and that’s never been your MO. What’s your real end goal here?”

  Theon and Sage locked gazes and at some point I was sure they were going to whip out their cocks. Honestly, I was shocked the guys were being so bold. There was real fear when we left the pleasure house.

  “I wanted to get to know the Mazza. Tell me, how many bonds have you already completed?”

  I wasn’t expecting that as his response and I waited for one of the guys to answer. I didn’t need to fuck anything up for us.

  Nato took the lead. “I’m afraid she’s already completed her Janer bond.”

  I watched Theon’s face for any sign of a reaction. I also didn’t miss that fact that Nato didn’t confirm I was fully bonded.

  Theon’s eyes narrowed and swung to Rand.

  “I’m sure your father is very excited by that news.”

  Rand scoffed, and something about it made me wonder if there was bad blood between Theon and Rainer.

  “My father will hardly be pleased. Especially as I’m not her bond mate.”

  Theon’s eyes bugged out, as his head rotated to Sage. He started to speak but cut himself off, then looked to Nato.

  “Yes, Theon. I’m the Janer mate. Stings, doesn’t it.” Sage said with a cocky, satisfied grin.

  The little shit. He was going to make me laugh at a highly inappropriate time.

  “You?” Theon sputtered.

  “Yes, me. The Janer boy from the streets.”

  The door whined behind us, scaring the shit out of me during this drama filled conversation. I threw my legs over the side of the cot, ready in case someone was trying to come in, but Rand snagged my arm.

  “Are you still throwing tantrums, Theon?” Rand remarked casually.

  Theon was causing the iron in the door to bend. I was suddenly glad my LL was more mature than random power plays. This whole bonding thing would have played out very differ
ent otherwise.

  Theon straightened his linen shirt, dusting off imaginary lint. We were all staring at him, waiting for his response. Me more so, because I had no idea how he would react to Rand’s passive insult.

  “I was just surprised. You know how hard it is when you have such a high level of power. I mean… you can imagine.”

  I almost threw an eye roll at that. I might not know the full history of the Fennin, but even I knew my LL was no joke in the power department.

  Theon brought his attention back to me. “You shouldn’t have picked your cards so quickly. But that’s neither here nor there at this point. I’ve never heard of a Mazza exchanging mates once they’ve bonded.”

  Alarm shot through me. I peeked at the guys to see if they had ever heard anything about that, but there was no outward indication they had. I would never want that, but the last thing we needed was someone trying to break my bonds.

  Theon continued. “Regardless, my mother has discovered I brought you to the castle. I came to relocate you to our guest suites. You should have been moved there originally; I think you just gave Travon a little scare.” His lips barely tilted up on one side.

  “What are we waiting for? Lead the way.” I was way too eager to get out of this cell. The longer we stayed here, they could forget about us or decide we belonged here. No, I’d rather they escorted us to a nice cushy room now. If they were putting us in a suite that sounded a hell of a lot better.

  Theon didn’t move. His stare was heavy, giving me the heebie-jeebies.

  “There is one more thing. When we present you to court, it’s imperative that you show your allegiance to the House of Janer. I wouldn’t want any… unfortunate accidents to happen to any of your mates.”

  I couldn’t believe he threatened us. I mean, I expected it, but I still couldn’t believe it.

  Theon held his arm out toward the door and Rand was the first to take his invitation. He knocked twice on the wood, giving some unspoken signal to the guards, then backed up when the door was pushed open. It made noises that it hadn’t make before Theon’s little fit. He was definitely not someone I ever wanted to know better.